Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2008 going on 2009

i finally know what im doing for NYE! im getting all dressed up and going to a casino, going dancing at some nightclubs and watching the midnight fireworks by the ocean. should be an awesome night!
i do have to work 8am-4pm NYE day, but that wont be too bad. hopefully we're busy so the time just flies...

i have noticed that everyone and i mean EVERYONE is doing a list of good thing and bad things that happened in 2008.
and it got me thinking...

2008 goodies...
- Panic at the Disco - Pretty.Odd.
- Death Cab For Cutie - Narrow Stairs.
- Kings of Leon - Only By The Night.
- The Cab - Whisper War.
- Seeing PATD perform live in August... twice!
- My brother spending Christmas with my mum for the first time in 11 years and seeing how happy it made her.
- Realizing my best friend is my little sister.
- Making new friends.
- Getting my first tattoo.
- Seeing friends get engaged, get married and have babies.
- Writing my 'bucket list' with friends and being excited about it.
- Getting dressed up and going out with friends.
- The birth of my 3rd gorgeous nephew.
- Following Barack Obamas politics since 2006 and seeing America vote him into office in November.

2008 not-so-goodies...
- My aunty/godmother/friend Kelly dying in September.
- Being the only single person in my family.
- My dad being in and out of hospital all year.
- All the pain that comes with dental work.
- Missing Kings of Leon 2009 concert tickets.
- Taking up a filthy habit.
- My mothers mother in general.
- Monday mornings and Tuesday afternoons.
- Still loving my red bull addiction.
- Creating an eBay account and spending too much time and money on there...

Over all, 2008 was a blast(!) and i cant wait to see what 2009 has to offer me.
i have made a few promises to myself for the year ahead...
- Try to be more open to new people and different experiences.
- To not be so scared of men and committing to them.
- To ALWAYS enjoy the time i spend with family and friends.

i hope this year was a good one for you, and that 09 is even better!
see you on the flip side!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

what today has to offer me...

not a lot...

I was introduced to the miracle that is Reeses Peanut Butter Cups this morning.
Yummy. Yummy. Yummy.
I had 3 and then thought I had better stop, or I never would.
I WILL indulge again...

Listening to Closer by Kings of Leon on repeat.
If you haven't heard it, do yourself a favour...

Friday, December 26, 2008

boxing day, y'all!

I had an amazing christmas! Hope you all did as well.
I was spoilt rotten. Santa left me an acoustic guitar… just what I wanted! I must have been good. And one of my sisters got a Nintendo DS off her boyfriend so we have both been doing brain training since she got it. It says my brain is in its 40’s. So that’s no good… I’ll have to keep working on it I think.
I spent christmas morning and lunch with my mum and siblings and went to see my dad and his side of the family for tea. I honestly only go to tea to see my dad. The rest of that side of the family really annoy me… but I guess everyone has family like that.

Went to boxing day sales with my 3 sisters today!
Spent soooo much money. But I picked up lots of bargains!
And now it’s all over for another year.
(still don’t know what im doing yet though… any ideas?)

Monday, December 22, 2008

i love tuesdays...

The news doesn’t start at 9am, but I do.
Sleeping in! Love it.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

only 4 more sleeps

Is this ridiculous or what? Yep, we are a spoilt bunch here.
And this isn’t everything. Santa hasn’t left his goodies yet.
This is for 1 mother, 3 sisters, 1 brother, 3 nephews,
3 brothers-in-law, 1 sister-in-law, 2 puppies and yours’ truly…
I love christmas. Not because of all the presents, but it is
rare that my whole family is together at once.
We always come together at Christmas... and THAT is the best thing about it.

Had a Christmas dinner with my girlfriends on Friday night.
Was an absolute blast. Whenever I see these girls it’s always a hoot.
Photos, alcohol and good conversation was had by all.
I also had some margarita pizza and it was delicious.

I hit the dance floor with my sister and some friends last night.
Drank a little too much and was paying for it all day today.
My own fault. Silly me.
Caught up with some old school friends out in town though. Had some
Drinks and dances with them. Must do it again soon. Most likely in 09.

Oh! Nearly forgot! Got my Limited Edition CD/DVD Friday!
And I must say, it’s about time!
I got lucky number 1949… I don’t know why it’s lucky, it just is.
It’s seriously amazing! Shane Valdez, you are a genius.
You have an amazing talent, and im really really enjoying it. :)

Peace out. I sincerely hope you’re on Santa’s ‘good’ list…

Monday, December 15, 2008

What I have to say today...

- Ok, so I have something to admit.
I just saw High School Musical 3 and LOVED it!
I think Troy Bolton is sexy as! I'm not too sure how I feel about Zac Efron…
but I do like me some Troy.
Especially in THAT blue suit.
(If you have seen the movie, you know which one I mean…)

- I hate haters. People can be so mean, rude, unpleasant, and nasty… and to people they have never met...
I don’t understand.
Anyone who reads Miss. Colleens blog, knows what I am talking about.
I am SO disgusted. It makes me want to cry.
I feel like I should applaud her for being able to deal with it all, with the patience and grace that she has.
But she is beginning to crack. Poor thing. (I would have A LOT sooner.)
How can these people dislike someone THAT MUCH when they have never met them?
Keltie seems like a true beauty. Nice, smart, funny, talented… If these haters are jealous; they just need to build a bridge and GET OVER IT.
PEACE and LOVE…! Duh!

- I have decided I'm going to see Twilight. I don’t know when, and I don’t know who with… but I’m going. I have heard too much hype to not jump on the band wagon.
I haven’t read the book though… maybe I should.

- 10 days till Christmas!
I need more money. I need Christmas to not sneak up on me for once… and WHAT am I going to do for New Years Eve!?
Oi, the choices… … …

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Workin’ 9 to 5

I think I hate my job.
The work I do actually isn’t hard.
And I love the people I work with.
But I work in customer service and Dolly Parton said it best...
It’s all takin’ and no givin’.”
I think it might be time to start getting serious about my life.
My “gap year” from university/tafe-college is about to turn into a
3 year gap…
I feel like I should know what I want to do with my life by now...
but I really have no clue.
And that kind of scares me.

I’m letting it drive me crazy…

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mr. Palahniuk, you genius you…

I just finished Invisible Monsters.
I know I’m a little late on the train, but if you haven’t
read this book, what’s wrong with you!?
It’s MIND-BLOWING! Seriously.
I started to read it last night in bed... around 10pm which was a BAD
idea cause I couldn’t put it down.
I only stopped reading cause I had to work early today...
Hmm, so good!
LOVED the ending… LOVED everything about this book.
So many amazing quotes, so many amazing ideas…
I think I may have caught the Palahniuk bug…
Up next Choke.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Summer, where are you?

So not much has happened lately.
My life = boring. :(
I have been working everyday. And my feet are extremely sore.
Sad, huh?
I put up my christmas tree and decorations with the family last night.
Oh, I love this time of year!
and I’ve bought most of my presents and wrapped them. They are filling the
bottom of my tree nicely.

Just for the record, the weather today: a low of 7 degrees – maximum of 24 degrees. With early and late showers… lucky me…
Oh, and I’m waiting patiently for my panic at the disco cd/dvd…