Tuesday, March 24, 2009

let's talk Sound Relief...

so i haven't updated here in a while.
im just lazy.
so we're going back a couple of weeks.
Saturday 14th March 2009, to be exact.

i went to Sound Relief with 2 of my best girlfriends laura and liz.
we took the train to melbourne and by the time we got there... it was absolutely pissing down!
there was thunder and lightning. we had the works.
but the show went head. everyone was just cold and wet for the day..
we saw Jet live first and then Coldplay via satellite from the sydney show. they were so good!!! everyone was clapping and cheering for them as if they were in the MCG too.. not playing in another state. :p
then gabriella cilmi came on... ugh. we left to go to the bathroom. we DID NOT want to sit through that set.
up next Kings of Leon.
they played Crawl, Revelry, On Call and Use Somebody.
no sex on fire. Caleb said in an interview the next day that they thought it would be a little disrespectful to sing at a concert for bushfire relief... hmm.
but hey.. we got 4 incredible songs.
after Kings finished their set, we left. my friend liz got sick so we went back to the station and caught an earlier train home..
here are some pictures of my boys! (haha, that's right. they're mine!)

i couldn't get any pictures of Matthew... they showed him like twice and i wasn't quick enough either time.
but i did get some good ones of Jared in his little shirt and tie!!! :) yummy.yummy.yummy.

imagine this around the other side of the MCG as well. there were over 78,000 people at this concert. and it raised over $5 million!
good job i say!
i wonder how long it will take to release a Sound Relief Concert dvd.
you better believe i'm going to buy that shit!


until next time.

Monday, March 23, 2009

saturday night just gone...

i went out drinking and dancing with my girlfriends from work.
here they are.

funny, lovely... and drunk. :)
had the best night.
will do a proper update tomorrow.
now i'm going to bed.

Friday, March 13, 2009

oh, friday the 13th... spooky..

sound relief tomorrow!!!
we're leaving for melbourne at 9am.
gates open at 10am.
concert starts at noon..
finishes at 10pm.

im so excited!!!



gonna be a big day tomorrow. might go to bed early...

enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

on march 10th, 1989...

i was born.

and here i am getting love from one of my big sisters manda.
today was alright. i had to work but it wasn't to bad. got a framed poster of zac efron(!) from my work friend, danielle. she's awesome. i love her.
i had a dinner with all my family last night and then a small one again tonight with my sister kim, her boyfriend luke and my mother dearest.
and here is me and manda 20 years later.

happy birthday to me. :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

another month, another blog...

(does anyone else think the word 'blog' sounds nasty..? no? just me...? ok then.)

well, march. you're here already? nice to have you back, old friend.
i am quite fond of this month. not only does it hold the festive occasion that is the anniversary of my birth.. but the weather here changes in march. so glad the cold weather is upon us.
over the heat. HEAR THAT HEAT? im totally over you.
just watch... in a few months when we reach the middle of winter, i'll be praying for a warmer climate. i'm never happy. but at least i can admit it.

been catching up with my little sister. the one that went to vanuatu. i missed her so much. not even funny. she is the person i like to hang out with most. i have more fun and inside jokes with her then anyone else. oh, and i got cute arse presents from her trip too. :)

got my tickets to sound relief today! im going with 2 girlfriends, laura and liz. they are awesome chicks and we are gonna have a flippin BLAST! i have to admit though, im only going to see Kings of Leon. when i heard they were playing this show... i HAD to get tickets! i missed their concert so this is the next best thing... aside from stalking them while they are in the country... hmm..
so yeah, i paid $75 to watch them play 4 songs. WORTH IT... hee hee. the other girls know who else is playing and they are looking forward to seeing them... so it should be a good day.

sorry, im pretty high on the 2 bottles of red bull i have consumed in the last 3 hours... so i might go do something productive with all this energy...